June Sale | 50% off on Champions

Quick review on all champions of the June Sale
Statistics, Best Roles, and Advantages of these champions

June sale in League | Champions

The time of the June sale is coming, so if you have long dreamed about any of these champions or skins for them, then I advise you not to spend your RP. The exact dates were not announced, so carefully follow the news throughout June.


During the June, Riot Games will start a sale for thirty-six league champions. Among them will be the heroes of all roles and you will definitely find a couple for yourself. The discounts will be up to 50%, so we advise you to save your resources for this sale, especially if in the list below you will find any champions whom you have long wanted to buy.


Azir lol

Azir – The Emperor of the Sands


This champion can be used as Mage or Marksman, depending on your gameplay style. Azir, like many other champions, has mana as an alternative resource that he use to cast spells.

Azir role

Azir’s position

Azir is a difficult champion, and in current Meta, his popularity is extremely low. His win rate stat is 43.6% and popularity – 1.7%.

Azir stats

Azir’s statistics

You can buy LoL Champion Azir for 975 RP or 487 RP during June’s sale.


Blitzcrank - the Great Steam Golem

Blitzcrank – the Great Steam Golem

Blitzcrank’s most used roles are Tank and Fighter. He has the casual Mana bar, and the 62.1% of all damage (The famous 1-2-3 combo of Rocket Grab, Power fist, and Static Field) is Magic damage.

Also Blitzcrank is really decent pick if you want to boost your LoL account.

Blitzcrank roles

Blitzcrank’s positions

Blitzcrank is easy to master and can be recommended to beginners. This champion has pretty impressive win rate, but his popularity is decreasing every year.

Blitzcrank stats

Blitzcrank’s statistics

You can buy LoL Champion Blitzcrank for 790 RP or 395 RP during June’s sale.


Braum lol

Braum – the Heart of the Freljord

Braum is Tank with powerful CC abilities, the primary source of his damage is Magic – 71.5%. His main advantage is the ability to control the battleground with a Glacial Fissure and in the marking the enemy core champions with the Concussive Blows that will stun him if your allies will help to stack this ability.

braum role

Braum’s positions

Braum is not a champion for beginners because the battle will be built from your actions. But you do not need years of training to learn how to play as him. His win rate is pretty high, but his popularity is falling all the time.

Braum stat

Braum’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Braum for 975 RP or 487 RP during June’s sale.


Cassiopeia - the Serpent's Emrace

Cassiopeia – the Serpent’s Embrace

Cassiopeia is a classy mid champion with strong nukes and great harass potential at all stages of the game. She uses Mana as her alternative resource to cast all abilities. 

Cassiopeia role

Cassiopeia’s position

Cassiopeia – is a complicated champion and you will need long hours of practice if you really want to play as her. In current meta, her popularity is quite low, but the win rate holds around 48%.

Cassiopeia stat

Cassiopeia’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Cassiopeia for 880 RP or 440 RP during June’s sale.


Mundo LoL

Dr. Mundo – the Madman of Zaun

Mundo is a great tank with a potential of a fighter. Can bait enemies into the fight with the help of the Sadism ability. Can be used as a jungler, but most often he used in the top position.

Mundo position

Dr. Mundo’s positions

Dr. Mundo is an easy champion that can be used by everyone, but his popularity was always low.

Mundo stat

Dr. Mundo’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Dr. Mundo for 585 RP or 292 RP during June’s sale.


Ekko lol

Ekko – the Boy Who Shattered Time

Ekko is a Slayer or Fighter who can play at Mid, Top and Jungle. He has the Chronobreak skill that can be used as an escape tool or in an offensive way. Ekko is a slayer, and that means that he can destroy an enemy champion in a second.

ekko role

Ekko’s positions

Ekko is a hard champion to master, and you must read your opponents and know how they will act in various moments of time. He is a great champion with high win rate.

Ekko stat

Ekko’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Ekko for 975 RP or 487 RP during June’s sale.


Elise LoL

Elise – the Spider Queen

Elise can perform both roles, as a Mage or a Fighter and also she is a perfect Jungler. She has two forms – human and spider. Spider form is more dangerous when you have a low HP, and Human form is more useful if you have a lot hp.

Elise position

Elise’s positions

One of the best junglers in the LoL – Jungle Elise has a great win rate – 50.3%, and her popularity is only growing.

Elise stat

Elise’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Ekko for 975 RP or 487 RP during June’s sale.


Evelynn lol

Evelynn – the Widowmaker

Evelyn is a Mage and Slayer. Main Evelynn’s advantage is in her adaptability to a particular situation. You can focus on Attack Damage that provides sustained damage or on the Ability Power to increase your burst potential.

Evelynn positions

Evelynn’s positions

You need some time to master Evelynn, but if you know how to play as a jungler, you will be okay after a couple of matches. She is not popular jungler, but her win rate is stable and holds around 50%.

Evelynn stat

Evelynn’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Evelynn for 585 RP or 292 RP during June’s sale.


Ezreal lol

Ezreal – the Prodigal Explorer

Ezreal is a favorite champion of many, he is extremely strong Marksman and can be played as a Mage. As the Evelynn, you can choose between Ability Power and Attack Damage, depending on a game situation.

Ezreal lol positions

Ezreal’s positions

Ezreal is a popular champion, mostly built up as an AD Carry. In the last months, his win rate is dropped down, and I think it is just not his season this time.

ezreal stat

Ezreal’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Ezreal for 880 RP or 440 RP during June’s sale.


Fiddlesticks lol

Fiddlesticks – the Harbinger of Doom

As we can see on the image below, Fiddlesticks is popular almost everywhere (Mid, Jungle, Bot) and his high win rate only proves his adaptability to various conditions.

Fiddlesticks roles

Fiddlesticks positions

Fiddlesticks stat

Fiddlesticks statistics

You can buy LoL champion Fiddlesticks for 585 RP or 292 RP during June’s sale.


Gangplank lol

Gangplank – the Saltwater Scourge

Gangplank is a champion not for everyone, it is hard to really master him, but if you succeeded you can show really great results. Gangplank is a fighter that fully opens his potential on Top line

Gangplank role

Gangplank’s positions

Gangplank stat

Gangplank’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Fiddlesticks for 585 RP or 292 RP during June’s sale.


Gnar LoL

Gnar – the Missing Link

Gnar is a pure marksman that deal mostly Physical damage. The most profitable position for him is a top lane, but in the current patch his popularity is low and continues to fall.

Gnar role

Gnar’s positions

Gnar stat

Gnar’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Gnar for 975 RP or 487 RP during June’s sale.


Graves Lol

Graves’ – the Outlaw

Graves is the best choice if you love to play as a jungler. Huge physical damage and an opportunity to became a second core-champion. One of the best choices in current meta and his popularity only proves this. His win rate is bouncing somewhere between 47% and 52%, and this is with the 15% popularity, quite impressive isn’t it?

Graves role

Graves’ positions

Graves stats

Graves’ statistics

You can buy LoL champion Graves for 880 RP or 440 RP during June’s sale.


Hecarim lol

Hecarim – the Shadow of War

Hecarim is often used as a Tank or Fighter champion, but at the early stages of the game, he prefers to stay in jungle. Not the best choice to go full-jungle if you decide to take Tank role, but if you prefer Fighter, then jungle is ok. Since January, his popularity has fallen from 13% to 4.4% and that’s means that he is not the best choice in the current patch/meta.

Hecarim's roles

Hecarim’s positions

Hecarim's stats

Hecarim’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Hecarim for 880 RP or 440 RP during June’s sale.


Irelia lol

Irelia – the Will of the Blades

Irelia is a Slayer that fully open her potential only on the top line. She is not so difficult, but you need to spend some time to learn her abilities and how they work. Irelia never was a popular champion, and now her popularity is quite low – only 6.3%, but win rate is pretty decent. As other Slayers, she deals mostly Physical damage, but the percentage of True damage is pretty high – 17.5%.

Irelia role

Irelia’s positions

Irelia stat

Irelia’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Irelia for 880 RP or 440 RP during June’s sale.


Jax lol

Jax – Grandmaster of Arms

Jax is a champion that feels comfortable both in the jungle and the top positions. He is a Slayer and you need to spend a couple of games to learn how to play as Jax well, but after learning period you will know how that he can destroy an enemy champion in a second. Jax is dealing mostly Physical damage – 70.1% and only 25.7% is magical, rest is True damage.

Jax position

Jax’s positions

Jac stat

Jax’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Jax for 585 RP or 292 RP during June’s sale.


Jinx champion lol

Jinx – the Loose Cannon

Jinx – this is the favorite champion of many players, and everyone heard about her, even if they never play in LoL. Jinx is a marksman, and her uniqueness is in her arsenal. She can wield a Rocket Launcher and a Machine Gun, and her skills are changing due to the weapon she holds at the moment. Her popularity is pretty high, and the win rate is impressive, but at the moment it is falling down a little bit.

Jinx role

Jinx’s positions

Jinx stat

Jinx’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Jinx for 975 RP or 487 RP during June’s sale.


Katarina Lol

Katarina – the Sinister Blade

Katarina is a classical Assassin and her uniqueness in her alternative resource. She got none. Her skills, do not require any mana and this means that you can spam them without worrying that you will get out of mana. This continuously harass potential creates an opportunity for her to became the greatest Mid champion but the fact that she is a melee champion is holding her up. But due to the statistics, she performs well at Mid.

Katarina position

Katarina’s positions

Katarins stat

Katarina’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Katarina for 790 RP or 395 RP during June’s sale.


Leona League of lEgneds

Leona – the Radiant Dawn

Leona is a pure tank with a powerful crowd control abilities. Her main role in the game is a Support, and her popularity is rapidly falling down. Playing as a Leona you need to mark your foes with Sunlight before your allies start to deal damage. Although she is still quite popular and she has a good win rate stats.

Leona roles

Leona’s positions

leona stats

Leona’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Leona for 880 RP or 440 RP during June’s sale.


Lucian lol champion

Lucian – the Purifier

Lucian as a classy AD carry – marksman with a high physical damage (almost 91.1%) and with a perfect late-game potential. His popularity is SO HIGH at the current patch, and his win rate is still held around 49.8%. Such popularity will not go unnoticed and Riot Games will probably nerf this little fella in the nearest patch.

Lucian role

Lucian’s positions

Lucian stat

Lucian’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Lucian for 975 RP or 487 RP during June’s sale.


Lux Lol

Lux – the Lady of Luminosity

Lux is a typical Mage champion with a powerful CC and Nukes. She is a great choose as a mid champion, but some players prefer her as a Support. Since the release her popularity holds at almost same level – 10-15% and this is not a bad indicator. 

lux position

Lux’s positions

Lux statistic

Lux’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Lux for 790 RP or 395 RP during June’s sale.


Maplhite LoL

Malphite – Shard of the Monolith

Malphite is mostly used as a Fighter, but he has a great Tanking potential. He deals a lot of Magic damage, so item build should be focused on the Ability Power. Malphite can be played as a Jungler, Support but the Top line is the best position for him. This champion was popular a year ago, but now he is forgotten and has only 5.5% pick rate.

malphite role

Malphie’s positions

Malphite stat

Malphite’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Lux for 585 RP or 295 RP during June’s sale.


Maokai lol champion

Maokai – the Twisted Treant

Maokai just recently received a Season 6 Victorious skin, and popularity of this champion rose for a little bit, but the hype is going down and this unpopular champion is going to the place he belongs. Maokai is an easy hero and his abilities allow you to play as a Top, Jungler, or Support player. The Support role for Maokai is preferred, but Junglers shows better results. Win rate of the Support Maokai is 48% when the Jungler Maokai – 49.7%.

Maokai roles

Maokai’s positions

Maokai stat

Maokai’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Maokai for 880 RP or 440 RP during June’s sale.


Nami lol champion

Nami – the Tidecaller

Nami is an almost perfect choice for all who like to play as a Support. She got nukes, crowd control abilities and a nice movement buff for all allies. Also, she had a nice ultimate that will be useful for initiating on enemies who are far away. Her win rate only proves that Nami is one of the bests supports in the LoL.

Nami roles

Nami’s positions

Nami stat

Nami’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Nami for 975 RP or 487 RP during June’s sale.


Nautilus lol champion

Nautilus – the Titan of the Depths

Nautilus, once a popular champion, now he can be seen in rare cases. Nautilus can still perform support role or play on the top line, but his win rate is a little disappointing – 47%. It is not easy to learn this champion but after you master him you will see how good his CC abilities are. By the way, in the game, he is mentioned as a fighter, but do not even try this build, just focus on a CC.

Nautilus role

Nautilus’ positions

Nautilus stat

Nautilus’ statistics

You can buy LoL champion Nautilus for 880 RP or 440 RP during June’s sale.


Pantheon lol champion

Pantheon – the Artisan of War

Pantheon is an Assassin that has a plenty of useful abilities, I want to highlight the Grand Skyfall, with help of this you can assist your allies across the map, or quickly turn in the team fights and destroying the unprepared enemies. Pantheon is a strange hero, his popularity is on a low level, but his win rate is so high – 53%. Also, every type of Pantheon shows great results:

  • Top line Pantheon – 53.8% win rate.
  • Jungler Pantheon – 50.9% win rate.
  • Mid Pantheon – 52.4% win rate.

Pantheon position

Pantheon’s positions

Pantheon stat

Pantheon’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Pantheon for 790 RP or 395 RP during June’s sale.


Rek Sai lol champion

Rek’Sai – the Void Burrower

Rek’Sai is a pure fighter champion, that is quite difficult to master, but he brings a bit of profit to the team. Almost totally forgotten by everyone, and his popularity is still falling down. Rek’Sai is a pure Jungler and only here he can be useful, but even in this case, his win rate is pretty low – 45.2%. If Riot Games will not rework this champion, he will be forgoten.

Rek'Sai position

Rek’Sai positions

Rek'Sai stat

Rek’Sai statistics

You can buy LoL champion Rek’Sai for 975 RP or 487 RP during June’s sale.


Shyvana lol champion

Shyvana – the Half-Dragon

Shyvana is an easy-to-learn tank or a fighter. That half-dragon is unpopular, but still, has a nice KDA and win rate, so it is your choice to buy or not to buy. Shyvana shows great results, playing as a Jungler champion, and later can show herself in the middle and late game. She deals the almost same amount of magic and physical damage. 

Shyvana role

Shyvana’s positions

Shyvana stat

Shyvana’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Shyvana for 790 RP or 395 RP during June’s sale.


Tahm Kench lol champion

Tahm Kench – the River King

And another forgotten champion. Looks like that Riot Games tries to convince people to play as these champions. Tahm Kench is another easy-to-learn champion, but this time it is Tank with powerful CC abilities. If you want to buy this champion. then remember that your main function is to keep your fragile allies safe with a Devour skill.

Tahm Kench roles

Tahm Kench positions

Tahm Kench stat

Tahm Kench statistics

You can buy LoL champion Tahm Kench for 975 RP or 487 RP during June’s sale.


Talon lol champion

Talon – the Blade’s Shadow

Talon is an effective Assassin, and it is quite easy to learn how to play as this champion. Not so long ago, Talon could often be found in the Summoner’s Rift, but now his popularity is rapidly falling, although the win rate remains at a fairly high level. The preferred roles are Mid or Top, but someone(minority) prefer Jungle.

Talon position

Talon’s positions

Talon stat

Talon’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Talon for 880 RP or 440 RP during June’s sale.


Teemo lol champion

Teemo – the Swift Scout

This little devil – Teemo – is a professional Slayer that terrorize Top line. His popularity is quite stable and holds around 8% but his win rate is just great. As a Top line player his average win rate is holding around 52%, and this is pretty impressive. His main advantage is in his mushrooms, and if you really like to place mines, then this champion is definitely yours.

Teemo position

Teemo’s positions

Teemo stat

Teemo’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Teemo for 585 RP or 292 RP during June’s sale.


Varus lol champion

Varus – the Arrow of Retribution

Varus is a champion that described both as a Mage and a Marksman, but I highly recommended to use him as an AD Carry. His popularity was damn high at the start of the Season 7 but after a month it drops down to the previous level and now holds around 6%. Varus’ main advantage – long range, that allows maintaining a safe position in a team fights, until he kills an enemy to receive buff Living Vengeance.

Varus roles

Varus’ positions

Varus stat

Varus’ statistics

You can buy LoL champion Varus for 880 RP or 440 RP during June’s sale.


Vel'Koz lol champion

Vel’Koz – the Eye of the Void

Vel’Koz is a pure Mage with strong nukes and some CC abilities. He can play both roles, as a Mid line champion, as a Support. Vel’Koz deals a lot of true damage with his Organic Deconstruction and Life Form Disintegration Ray, but he is extremely vulnerable in a close range and does not have any escaping tools. His popularity as a Mid champion is much higher then as Support, and win rate is higher too.

Vel'Koz roles

Vel’Koz positions

Vel'Koz stat

Vel’Koz statistics

You can buy LoL champion Vel’Koz for 975 RP or 487 RP during June’s sale.


Vladimir LoL champion

Vladimir – the Crimson Reaper

Vladimir is Mage with a nice Tanking potential. His difference from other Mages is in the absence of mana as such, instead of Mana, Vladimir uses bloodthirst. Vladimir is rather popular in both roles, like mid and top. Win rate of this champion stably holds about 50% from the very beginning of the seventh season.

Vladimir position

Vladimir’s positions

Vladimir stat

Vladimir’s statistics

You can buy LoL champion Vladimir for 880 RP or 440 RP during June’s sale.


All that is above was written with only one purpose in mind, to help you decide on the purchase of the right champion during the time of the June sale. I did not talk about all the pros or cons of these characters, just highlights important points.

IMPORTANT: All the statistics above were taken on the site www.leagueofgraphs.com

The division in question is Gold+ and all information was correct at the time this guide was written.


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  1. Thermandoor

    Oh, thank god i found some info about June sale champions! Thanks for the detailed description and statistics!

  2. Peepeevou

    Wow, a pretty decent information about June sale in lol! I really found a good use of this guide and targeted a few champions that I’d certainly buy. The greatest thing is that all info in this post is fresh, so I see which champions are strong, and which are not!

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