Pulsefire - Chrono Agents

Detailed review of the Pulsefire skins, ward and icons for Ezreal and Caitlyn
Origins of the Chrono agents - who are they and why they are here

Pulsefire | League skins

Pulsefire is a series of skins from the parallel timeline of the LoL. In the parallel universe, technological progress began to develop much faster than in ours, and as a result, the parallel world’s technologies are much more advanced than ours – technologies of the Cog Era. Technological progress has affected many of the League champions, for example, most of them now have augmentations – cybernetic enhancements, and some of them, like Pulsefire agents, equipped with the Chrono technology.

Such works as Back To The Future, The One, and Nineteen Eighty-Four inspired artists from Riot Games. It is also known that the Pulsefire skins are directly related to all the skins of the Dystopian Universe series. Hints have been found that this series is the furthest on the timeline of the general anti-utopian universe.

Pulsefire ezreal

The known information about the organization “The Rememberances” is catastrophically small, but one thing we know for sure is that Ezreal is considered to be a fugitive who does not care about the security of timelines. He simply moves from place to place and does what he wants, not caring about the fact that he can create temporary paradoxes. Caitlyn was sent to detain him or get rid of him.


It so happened that in the world that left us far behind in the technological plan, the Dystopian regime was raised. The totalitarian police seized power, and even the time was now under their control.

Pulsefire Jarvan

Pulsefire Jarvan – Fan Art

A special group known as The Rememberances was commissioned to monitor and eliminate any temporary anomalies or changes in the time flows. Members of this group are Chrono agents, also known as Pulsefire. At the moment we are aware of two agents of Pulsefire:

  • Chrono Fixer, also known as Pulsefire Caitlyn
  • Chrono Fugitive, also known as Pulsefire Ezreal


Since Riot Games recently added a new champion to the ranks of the Chrono agents, it was decided that it was necessary to improve the appearance of the very first Agent that was released – Pulsefire Ezreal. Of course, the improvements are not so significant, because the developers just can not pull up the ready-made skin to the standards of DJ Sona or Elementalist Lux.

To completely rework this ultimate skin, they would have to sacrifice many others skins that they could do, because the resources and time for the creators are quite limited. So do not wait for the cardinal changes of ready-made skins. But if the team suddenly will have the opportunity to remake one of the old skins completely, they will definitely take this work up.

So the preface was a little bit too long, so it’s time to go directly to the skin review.

Pulsefire Ezreal lol ultimate skin

Chrono Agent – Pulsefire Ezreal

Welcome to the Pulsefire Armory. Here you can get hands-on with some of the most technologically advanced armaments in the known universe. From thermal reactor fed tactical jet boosters to the fusion core powered Pulsefire Cannon, you’ll find everything you need to outfit your Prodigal Explorer on the Fields of Justice.

Test drive a few key pieces of Pulsefire Ezreal’s sci-fi arsenal here.

Despite the age of this skin, Riots in those days already tried to make high-quality ultimate skins. The character’s model was changed, and from an ordinary guy with a magic talisman, he turned into a futuristic agent in a mechanical suit and seems that Ezreal has the augmentation, that changing his left hand into a deadly weapon. The very concept of the character has changed, and this is the most important thing in skins.

Pulsefire Ezreal Pulsefire Ezreal

But not only the model of the character and his weapons were changed. The particles effects that have been added, harmoniously enhance his taunts and emotions. And the new special visual effect of evaporation when Ezreal killed some minion or champion is looking kinda fun.

Ezreal is very strong ADc which is very often pick among pro players during LoL elo boosting process.

Pulsefire Ezreal lol champion

Pulsefire Ezreal small preview

Pulsefire Ezreal’s animations were also changed, from auto attacks and abilities, to recall and emotions. By the way, Ezreal’s Pulsefire Armor is upgrading and evolving each time you level up a new rank of Trueshot Barrage.

As you know with the release of the Pulsefire Caitlyn, the Pulsefire Ezreal was slightly upgraded too. Riots added some new voice lines, enhanced animation of the basic auto attacks, added new visual effects and updated Ezreal’s texture in all four forms. Oh, I almost forget about new Recall and Homeguard animations.

Updated ultimate skin pulsefire ezreal

Updated Pulsefire Ezreal

New icons were added with the new Pulsefire agent, but I will highlight them all further. All you need to know, that if you already have Pulsefire Ezreal, then you will receive two icons for free.

You can buy the Pulsefire Ezreal ultimate skin for 3250 RP in the LoL in-game shop.


Pulsefire Caitlyn splash art

Pulsefire Caitlyn SplashArt


Time is a way to escape. From the mundanity of a life. From the limitations of an era.

From the law.

And when it comes to running from the law, she doesn’t have time for that.

This is a new Ultimate skin for LoL – Pulsefire Caitlyn. In addition to all these model, texture, visual and sound enhancements, she also received a ton of special interaction with almost every other champion.

The legendary time-law enforcer, feared in every age. Time is a fragile enigma under her protection, and those who dare to break its boundaries have inevitably met with the end of her barrel.

Well, what can I say about this skin? This is a really great ultimate skin that greatly changes the appearance of the Sheriff, сhanging her insolent outfit for a more strict military suit of a Chrono Agent.

Pulsefire caitlyn lol champion Pulsefire Caitlyn model

Caitlyn received a whole bunch of new animations:

  • Five various portals can be opened when she cast Recall. And for each portal, Caitlyn has a unique hat!
  • Homeguard effect – Caitlyn uses her gun as a motorcycle
  • Special indicator on her back, that turns red when her Headshot ability is ready
  • Ace in the Hole has unique overlay
  • Gun is changing after ranking up an Ultimate ability

Pulsefire Caitlyn - new Recall

Pulsefire Caitlyn – new Recall

Pulsefire Caitlyn Homeguard animation

Pulsefire Caitlyn – Homeguard

Pulsefire Caitlyn ultimate overlay

Pulsefire Caitlyn – new ultimate overlay

Pulsefire Caitlyn's gun

Pulsefire Caitlyn’s gun upgrade

Pulsefire Caitlyn mines

Pulsefire Caitlyn – new mines

In addition to all that was mentioned before Caitlyn now have completely new sound effects, voice lines, and brand-new particle effects for all abilities. Oh, and her mines now looks much more futuristic.


You can buy:

  • Pulsefire Caitlyn ultimate skin for 1820 RP in the LoL in-game shop. 
  • Pulsefire Caitlyn Set for 2462 RP or 3122 RP with the champion (25% off) in the LoL in-game shop. 


Before the release of the Pulsefire Caitlyn, there was only one thematic icon for the summoner, but now their range has expanded quite well – take a look:

  • Time Portal Icon
  • Pulsefire Ezreal Icon
  • Pulsefire Caitlyn Icon – 250 RP
  • Pulsefire Icon – 250 RP
  • Pulsefire Ward – 640 RP
Pulsefire Icons and Wards

Pulsefire – Icons and Wards

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  1. JordanoBooBoo

    It’s really sad that they don’t release more of these skins. All they are beautiful, and i hope that Riot will add some more soon. That Jarvan looks pretty cool, and if Riot Games will take this idea, they’ll create a really great new Pulsefire skin!

  2. Uh Duh

    Pulsefire skins are great. I own puslefire ezreal and caitlyn since i’m adc main. And the Caitlyn one is just awesome, so stylish. Hope to see pulsefire vayne once :D
    But i guess that’s impossible since she already got project skin.

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